I thought about what I would write in this space...What sort of alluringly persuasive rhetoric I could use to make myself more attractive...How I could tell you that I can happily sing for hours if you give me the space, or when I'm eating, I usually have a book in one hand and music in my ears, or that I love playing word games (but can never find any interested players), that I dig astrology and read tarot cards, or that some of the greatest experiences in my life involve me onstage as Alexis~GoldenLover (the more glam version of me) or at home making goofy faces and wild noises with my beautiful nieces or if I'm with you, making sure that you know that I'm completely out of my f-n mind (in a good way of course, if there is a good way to be out of your mind)!! lol
That's just me
What I'm looking for:
Well, this is what I initially wrote- "A man who listens and actively asks questions instead of always looking to have the last word, someone who will always look at me with stars in his eyes, ---- in his loins and love in his heart and someone, who, when it all comes down to it, will do anything to make me laugh and remind me of the beauty of life with his own...that's someone who would make me truly and utterly ecstatic!"
But I cannot that without a foundation of friendship, can I? I would like to connect with someone I can build with, just hang out and chill in non-committed, laid-back sort of way. I may not smoke or drink, but I'm very open to exploring your world and letting you into mine